Astronomy Group at the University of St Andrews

The Astronomy Group is located in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of St Andrews. Our research covers a wide range of areas from both theoretical and observational astrophysics.
Entrance to the School of Physics and Astronomy on North Haugh.
The group plays a vital part in the Undergraduate teaching within the School of Physics and Astronomy offering BSc and MPhys degrees in Astrophysics along with joint degrees with other departments within the University.
The group is also committed to maintaining an outreach programme to local Schools. We have an inflatable planetarium which can fit up to 30 primary school children. The planetarium is portable and shows can either take place within the department or it can be transported to the School.
James Gregory Telescope
The 0.94 m James Gregory Telescope seen “through” its dome by some crafty photographic techniques.

The University observatory is home to a range of telescopes for both teaching and research use. We offer observing sessions to our Undergraduate students who are able to use our two Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, of 40-cm and 25-cm diameter, for visual observations and direct imaging with CCD cameras. The observatory also houses the James Gregory Telescope, a 0.94 m (37 inch) reflector of Schmidt-Cassegrain design, which is fitted with a research quality CCD camera for direct imaging, including the ability to monitor the brightness variations of stars, active galaxies, transiting planets, etc. The James Gregory Telescope is currently the largest operational optical telescope in the United Kingdom.



University of St Andrews
School of Physics and Astronomy
Astronomy Group

North Haugh
St Andrews
KY16 9SS
Scotland, UK

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